Foot & Mouth Disease
in the North of England
A rough map of the locations of F&M disease in the North of
Most marks represent more than one case.
It is interesting to look at the early maps and see how
it has spread.
On the later ones look for odd isolated cases appearing away from the
main infected
Mid May shows isolated clusters of cases appearing in a
matter of days.
In fact one of these "isolated clusters" developed
into the major outbreak around Settle and Skipton in North Yorkshire.
Compare the
7th May map (no cases in Settle/Skipton) with one at the end of May or
early June.
Another cluster appears on the 23rd August in Northumberland by the
27th this
had grown to 11 cases. The last case in this county had been 12 weeks
before. The
nearest concurrent cases are the ones to the south of Penrith, about 30
miles distant
over high moorland.
This is the last map since there have been no more confirmed
cases since 30th September 2001.

Howhill Homepage
Last Modified: Fri Jan 4 12:32:05 2002